February 10, 2012

Kinsley scares her parents

As much as I hate to admit to this issue happening in our house, I want others to learn from this. The lesson of this blog is to not trust child-proof items with little ones. Kinsley occassionally chewed on the rubber tops to medicine droppers when she was really teething bad, and I just knew there was no way for her to get them off b/c they were child-proof ...WRONG. I had left a tylenol bottle in her diaper bag from church the previous morning(she had a molar coming in and wanted it just in case) and forgot that it was in the bag, but honestly didnt think twice about her getting it out b/c once again they were child-proof tops. Well sure enough Kinsley got the tylenol open, and when I noticed it was open it was completely empty (and I knew it was a newer bottle). I couldnt tell how much was in her vs. on her. After freaking out with my nurse friend Julie on the phone, I immediately knew this was no time to wait around, immediately called her pediatrician (who said get her straight to the ER,  we will call and give them as much information as we can, but please calm down ... I was crying hysterically and felt like the worst mom in the world. Kinsley was super calm watching her video in the back seat of my car and displayed no significant symptoms). For those who are in healthcare or now know b/c of my incidence tylenol is one of the worst medications to ingest. I knew it was going to be a long evening, so I gathered up her pj's, and a few quick must have items and was out the door. I called Steven when heading out the door and he met me at the ER from work.

They rushed us right back and asked us a few brief questions and within no time the horrible, non forgettable charcoal administration began... one of the hardest things to have to watch my baby go through, Steven and I were both very emotional, but trying to be super strong for Kinsley (who did amazingly well). They were able to get all of the charcoal amt. down by mouth (with chocolate milk and a syringe for the rest). I was so thankful for that so that she did not have to get a NG tube down her nose. After the charcoal administration then came the IV, again one of the hardest things to have to watch your baby go through, especially when I have to step in and help the nurses b/c they did not seem to know how to draw blood correctly, nor tape an IV down. Pretty frustrating but they were not my concern, only Kinsley. After this Steven and I took turns holding Kinsley while she slept, she was so exhausted. So after about 6 hrs in the ER, all results came back normal and they said Kinsley fortunately bathed in more tylenol than she got down her mouth!!! What a relief for Steven and I, and most of all Kinsley. Kinsley couldn't wait to get home and I was undoing her IV, b/c I assumed it would be easier for me then them, but Kinsley went ahead and took it out for me before I could get to it! Seriously learned that we have one strong baby, and again the lesson for this blog is to never trust child-proofing items with any little one. Do not want anyone to ever have to experience that, I know there are many things that happen to children on a daily basis, b/c many of them are so curious and into everything, but if I can give alittle advice to others I will do it in any way, shape or form to keep children safe!!!

Despite the IV situation, the staff at Cooks was absolutely amazing.

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest picture ever and I love the post. You do not ramble at all and please keep it up. It might seriously help somebody one day.

    I diagnosed myself with the life threatening (to Crewe) liver issue while pregnant, by reading someone else's blog.

    I love your blog! Keep it up!
